
Ketchikan, Alaska: Misty Fjords National Park

Our first day in Alaska was spent in Ketchikan, a far southern city known as the salmon capital of the world. It rains 250+ days a year so the fact that we had an almost moisture free day was pretty special.

J and I took the chance to fly through/over Misty Fjords National Park in an 8 person seaplane. The cool mist hung over the mountains all day creating a quiet and dreamy setting for our day. It was an incredible and beautiful experience that gave us the opportunity to view some amazing vistas.

Halfway through our flight, we landed on a pristine lake in the heart of the fjord.  It was one of the quietest, most serene places I've ever been. We were allowed to step out onto the sea planes floats for a photo and to listen to the loon swimming around us.  Here I am carefully standing on the float praying my klutzy self doesn't fall in the 40 degree glacier fed lake.

 All that flying worked up an appetite which we satiated with dungeness crab legs, clam chowder and some Alaskan Amber.  The chowder was amazing, and that's something coming from a New Englander!

We walked off lunch on Creek Street, an adorable step back to Gold Rush times.  Some playful seals and salmon were hanging in the river so we hung out and watched them for a bit before exploring further and stumbling across six totem poles.

Ketchikan was a great way to get our trip started, next up Juneau! 


A Very Sweet Blog said...

oh cara! how breathtaking! alaska is so gorgeous. if it looks this good in pictures i can only imagine in person. haha i love your outfit. that green looks awesome on you. thanks for capturing these moments for us. can't wait for your next post.

The Everything List said...

you got some awesome pics on the plane! i ahve never been on a small plane like that before and, although i love flying (yea i am weird), i think it would be a little nerve racking to be a small plane. was it?


Suzzie Vehrs said...

I have always wanted to go to Alaska! You're so lucky!

two birds said...

gorgeous!! i would have been terrified, both in and out of that plane, but i am still jealous of you! what an adventure!

Priya said...

So I'm SUPER jealous you went to Alaska! That looks fantastic, esp as I'm nearly dying of heat stroke in the South. The views AND food both look super good (soup in a bread bowl? Love.). Also, you're looking fab in the sequins below.

and one last thing: since I love your neat blog, I've awarded you the Liebster award! Check out my blog for the info!
perfectly priya

Anne said...

gorgeous photos! How cool is the soup in the bread bowl! looks like you had a fab time:)

Unknown said...


this sound like my kind of trip plane rides and rain free weather how awesome is that!!

I have family in Alaska and I would love to go one day!!

I cannot imagine living somewhere where it rains 250 plus days!!

Can't wait to hear more about your trips!!

Unknown said...

Wow, Alaska looks like a whole other world! Those are beautiful pictures. What kind of camera are you using?

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